Some of the tasks the company doctor

Find below some of the tasks the company doctor has:

  • basic medical control,
  • individual examinations,
  • the completion of “Statement of reconciliation of the health status of the person with the work carried out” at the end of professional medical visit, indicating the degree of compliance of the health condition of the employee with the work to be performed, as well as notes and special recommendations for the employer,
  • determines the type of professional medical examination that will be performed,
  • mentions that an employee should perform additional professional medical examinations,
  • during each professional medical visit, the medical practitioner asks, if he / she deems it necessary, additional information from the employee’s family doctor who is subject to professional medical examination to supplement the information in the “Health Check at Work”
  • if the results obtained from professional medical examinations are not sufficient to determine the adaptation of the health status of the employee to the work to be performed, the work doctor sends the employee to the other specialists, for conducting the medical examination,
  • if during a professional medical examination at work is diagnosed an illness that is not related to the work and has not been diagnosed or treated beforehand, the working doctor will refer the employee for further procedings by the family doctor. The new diagnosis and the results of the performed examinations are documented and stored by the labour doctor,
  • the work physician recommends in the health card at work compulsory use of collective and individual measures of protection, as well as special measures for the protection of the health of the employee at the workplace,
  • if it is stated that an employee’s health condition does not fit the work to be performed, the working doctor acts as follows:
  • Describes medical treatment, provides rehabilitation and follow-up recommendations, in accordance with the applicable legislation on occupational accidents and occupational medicine, by applying a referral to health care at work;
  • If necessary, send the employee to check to the family doctor / other specialist doctor for treatment outside the institution, according to the referral system of health care;
  • Recommends the necessary measures for protection at work;
  • It recommends the appropriate time to conduct additional medical examination after completing a treatment, in order to assess whether the health problems caused by harmful factors of the working environment or health problems, which have caused an accident or occupational disease, are removed and the health status of the employee fits in with the work to be done.
  • Employees who are exposed or have been exposed to risk factors at the workplace and are suspected of a professional illness may require a specialized health check by a physician or occupational disease physician or by other specialist doctors, according to the definitions of the legislation in force on this issue.
  • if after the occupational medical examination the occupational disease is suspected, the medical doctor completes the “Report on suspected occupational disease” and together with the supporting data (results of the medical examination visit, medical tests and analysis, as well as the patient’s medical history) refer the employee to the Regional Occupational Diseases Cabinet or Cabinet of Occupational Diseases of the University Hospital Center “Mother Teresa” in Tirana, for further evaluation.