Medical labor services
DCMs for Occupational Health, stipulates that all parties to exercise their activity in the territory of the Republic, regardless of the type of activity and number of employees must be provided with enterprises doctor. These DCMs determine that according to the number of employees, the duration of the work of the company doctor, which may be full time, part-time or inter-subjective. Also in these DCMs is defined the periodicity of conducting periodic medical examination depending on the type of activity of the subject and the type of medical examinations depending on the employee’s working position. The list of occupational diseases defines a professional illness that is directly related to the patient’s occupation and exposure to the workplace and the work process.
DCMs on Occupational Health
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 632, dated 15.7.2015 For Some Amendments and Additions to Decision no. 108, dated 9 February 2011, of the Council of Ministers, “On the skills to be met by employees, persons and specialized services dealing with safety and health issues at work”.
- item 6 defines “Employers of Groups A and B, pursuant to point 2 of Chapter II, of this decision, for every 700 employees, provide medical service to the enterprise through a medical doctor. While employers of groups C and D, for every 1500 employees, provide medical services to the enterprise through working doctor throught an outsourced contractor,which explain this point stipulates who the subject will be undertaking physician full-time or time partial or intersubjective, without excluding any subject, regardless of the type of activity and the number of employees.
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 639, dated September 7, 2016 “On the determination of the rules, procedures and types of medical examinations to be carried out depending on the work of the employee, as well as the manner of functioning of the medical service at work “.
1. To ensure the health control at work of employees, the employer:
- employs its employees based on the report issued by the forensic commission in every health center, which is submitted only at the time of commencement of work;
- requires prior medical examination at the time of employment and / or during the first trimester of work by the medical practitioner to ensure that the health of employees is not endangered by exposure to occupational risks;
- requires regular and periodic medical examinations for employees, suitable for exposure to specific risk factors at the workplace.
Periodic professional medical examination is carried out for workers with a risk of exposure to specific hazards to the working environment, such as physical, chemical, biological agents, mutagens / cancer agents, as defined in Annex II to this decision:
- at least every 1 (one) year for group A and B enterprises;
- at least every 2 (two) years for group C and D enterprises;
Medical exams and tests related to professional medical examination at work, are offered at health institutions, public or private, licensed according to the legislation for licensing in the Republic of Albania.
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 594, dated 1.7.2015 “On the approval of the list of occupational diseases”