The information allowed for publication is expressly provided in Article 7 of Law no. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information”.
In accordance with this approved transparency program, SLISS makes avilable to the public on its website and in the public reception venues the following categories of information:

  • Organizational structure of the public authority;
  • Full texts, conventions that have been ratified, laws, sub-legal acts, codes of conduct, policy documents, manuals or any other documents related to the exercise of its functions affecting the general public;
  • Information on the procedures to be followed to make a request for information, postal and electronic address for filing information requests, as well as the appeal procedures for the respective decision;
  • Information on the location of public authority offices, working hours, name and contact details of the coordinator for the right to information;
  • Data on education, qualifications and salaries of functionaries who have the obligation to declare the property according to law, salaries structures for other employees, as well as a description of the selection procedures, competences and duties of high public officials and the procedure they pursue to make decisions;
  • Monitoring and control mechanisms operating on public authority, including strategic work plans, audit reports from the Supreme State Audit or other entities, as well as documents containing performance indicators of the authority;
  • Data on the budget and expenditure plan for the following financial year and past years, as well as any annual reports on budget implementation;
  • Information on procurement procedures, respectively, according to the provisions of law no. 9643, dated 20.12.2006, “On Public Procurement”, performed on behalf of SLISS, including: list of related contracts, contracted amount, contracting parties and description of contracted services or goods, information on implementation and monitoring contracts, as well as various policies and guidelines;
  • Information about the services provided by the SLISS to the public, including standards for service quality and procedures for obtaining them, frequently asked information and documents, any other information deemed useful by SLISS;
  • Any mechanism and procedure for making claims and complaints regarding the actions or omissions of SLISS, procedure through which interested persons may submit their opinions or influence in any other way in the drafting of laws, public policies or performing the functions of SLISS, a simple description of the system used by the institution for keeping documents, types, forms of documents, and categories of information that is made public without a requirement;
  • Acts containing rules, norms or limitations of the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms and with direct effect to them are made public by display or posting on the official website within 48 hours of the adoption of the act by the SLISS.
    Information published under this scheme is updated each time it changes.