Accident at work or because of work

“Accident at work or because of work” is any sudden event that causes immediate bodily harm that occurs during the performance of a work or a related service, as well as any other health impairment that is not caused by general illness but resulting in temporary or permanent disability at work or death.

In the event of an accident at work or because of work, resulting in death or serious mass injuries, the employer or responsible person in charge of it, after giving first aid, must preserve material evidence, for the analysis of the accident, and immediately notify the prosecution authorities, the State Labour Inspectorate and the Social Insurance Institute.

What are the deadlines of completion of the report of the accident at work?

The accident at work or because of the work is confirmed by the records kept at the scene and must be signed by the employer or responsible person in charge of it, and by the labour inspector within three days from the occurrence of the accident. The records are taken from the inspector who covers accidents at work in the Regional Directorate of the Social Security Institute.

Should the Labour Inspectorate be notified if a minor accident occurs?

The employer is obliged under Article 22, paragraph 1 of Law no. 9634, dated 30.10.2006 “On Labour Inspection and the State Labour Inspectorate”, to immediately notify the Inspectorate for all accidents at work, associated with death or not, and occupational diseases.